Posts by Integrated Connections

IFM Scholarship Opportunities

The Institute for Functional Medicine (IFM) provides three scholarship opportunities to expand access to functional medicine training. Application windows for the 2024 Founders’ Scholarship and Debbie Sanstad Memorial Scholarship have…
Functional Medicine Featured on the Today Show

Functional Medicine in the News

The dramatic growth in functional medicine caught the attention of the national news media. This segment from CNBC’s Today Show follows the journey of a patient and a physician as they…

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

By sharing these suggestions with you, it is my hope that you’re able to secure the Integrative and Functional Medicine job that you’ve had your eye on. Your ideal job…
Integrative and Functional Medicine in in Deman

2021 Year in Review: Personalized Medicine is Trending!

The increasing number of opportunities and clinicians obtaining an education in functional medicine are proof that root-cause, patient-centered care is going mainstream. Positions in private practices and remote opportunities are…

What are custom job alerts?

Our custom job alerts allow you to create custom email notifications based on your selection. You will receive emails based upon your customization that you enter HERE. Be sure to…

How do I create Custom Job Alert Emails?

To create your custom job alerts you must register with the Site and create an account. You can do that on the Candidate Registration Page Be sure to add…

How often will I get Custom Job Alert Emails?

Custom Job Alert emails are sent only when the job board has a new posting that matches your custom alert settings. When creating your Custom Job Alert you may select…