Nutritionist / Health Coach (In Person or Virtual Position)

Part Time
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Who We Are
We are an innovative and rapidly growing clinic based in Bethesda, Maryland, dedicated to promoting mental health and whole-person healing through the latest research, tools, and therapies, as well as natural approaches. We recognize that nutrition, diet, and lifestyle are foundational to healing, and we integrate these elements into our patient care.

  • Commitment to Research and Education Our clinic is committed to ongoing research and educational efforts. Our blog, which has a large following, reflects our dedication to staying at the forefront of integrative medicine.
  • Local and Virtual Care: Locally, we serve patients in the DMV area (Virginia, Maryland, and Washington, D.C.). Additionally, we provide virtual care to patients in the San Francisco Bay Area.
  • Our Values: We believe in building strong, meaningful relationships with our patients, families, and healthcare providers. We prioritize collaboration, integrity, and compassion in all aspects of our work.
  • Learn more about us (

Position Overview
We are seeking an integrative/functional nutritionist or health coach who is passionate about helping patients achieve true wellness. This position can be in-person or virtual, providing support to patients already working with a medical doctor.

  • Responsibilities:
    – Diet and Stress Counseling: Provide guidance on diet and stress reduction.
    – Treatment Coordination: Coordinate treatment recommendations.
    – Healthy Home Creation: Assist patients in creating healthy home environments.
    – Client Opportunities: As our practice grows, opportunities may arise to see your own clients or those referred by other practitioners we collaborate with.
  • Our diverse patient base includes individuals with:
    – Mental Health Challenges: Depression and anxiety
    – Developmental Delays
    – Chronic Illnesses: Lyme disease and chronic fatigue syndrome

Many of our patients have sought help from multiple practitioners and come to us as their last hope, driving us to stay abreast of the latest science and treatments.

  • Educational and Research Opportunities:
    – Create Educational Materials: Develop resources for patient education.
    – Blog Writing: Contribute to our widely followed blog.
    – Teach Groups and Classes: Lead educational sessions and workshops.
    – Presentations and Writing: Interest in giving presentations or writing is a plus, though not required.
    – Lead Group Programs: Opportunity to create and lead group programs and be a key part of our outreach efforts.

What We Offer:
Mentoring from a Harvard-trained psychiatrist: Gain insights from a leading expert in functional medicine and neurotherapy.
Flexible Scheduling Enjoy in-person and virtual options to suit your lifestyle.
– Established Patient Base: Work with highly motivated and engaged patients.
Collaborative Team Approach: Join a team where everyone is invested in patient success and incorporates cutting-edge treatments.
Innovative Environment: Collaborate with a team that includes the latest in holistic health practices.
Core Values: Experience a workplace that values compassion, integrity, and collaboration, fostering a supportive and respectful environment.

Application Instructions:
Please send a thoughtful cover letter and resume. Applications without a cover letter will not be considered.

Ideal Candidate Qualities:
– Experienced and knowledgeable in nutrition, with a willingness to continue learning in a challenging and creative environment
– Able to work independently and take initiative, while also being comfortable with supervision and guidance
– Organized and detail-oriented
– Empathetic and patient, especially with chronically ill patients
– Comfortable working with both children and adults
– Excellent communication skills in person, on the phone, and by email
– Nurturing and caring, yet able to set appropriate boundaries
– Committed to living a healthy lifestyle

Join us at Suruchi Chandra, M.D., where innovation meets holistic care. Apply today!

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