Naturopathic Providers Wanted- Nurse Practitioner and Physician Assistant

Part Time
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Looking for passionate individuals that diagnose, treat, and manage patients with acute and chronic conditions, while addressing disease and dysfunction at the level of the mind, body, and spirit. Individuals must understand and respect the morals and values of the Amish/Mennonite community as well as the surrounding areas. We strive to offer our whole community exceptional care right here at home.

Brighter Dawn is an Amish owned medical facility located in the heart of beautiful central Pennsylvania for over eight years. Our growing practice recently built a brand-new facility: 14,000 sq ft. and we want you to be part of this exciting opportunity. This position would be a part-time status to start. (2-3 days) with the opportunity to grow to full time as the practice grows.

Our clinic does not only run as a functional medicine office but also as an integrated family medicine and urgent care needs. The provider must be comfortable with both. Other services Brighter Dawn provides are chiropractic services, colonics, IV therapy, x ray and ultrasound imaging, lab and so much more.

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